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Bo-Camp Parasol

Bo-Camp Parasol

350 kr
350 kr

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Bo-Camp siger om Parasol

En stilfuld og robust stålramme parasol. Det 160 gr/m² store polyesterstof beskytter mod skadelig solstråling. Stolen har en leddelt arm, så parasollen kan bøjes afhængigt af solens retning. Parasolpolen har en diameter på 25 mm

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A stylish and sturdy steel frame parasol. The 160 gr/m² polyester fabric provides protection against harmful solar radiation. The pole has an articulated arm to allow the parasol to bend depending on the direction of the sun. The parasol pole has a 25 mm diameter.

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Produkt Specifikationer
Diameter parasol200 cm
Diameter steel2.5 cm
Materiale160 gr/m² polyester klud with uv-filter
Andre egenskaberInklusive knikarm
8712013672472 - Bo-Camp Strandparasol Grey 200cm