Almonte 12 PT er en touringbinding med høj ydeevne, der tager dine eventyr i naturen til det næste niveau. Robust design og enestående funktionalitet, bindingen af valg for touring skiløbere, der accepterer ingen kompromiser. Med Almonte 12 PT kan du forvente den samme letvægt som dens modstykke, der kun vejer 325 g hver, inklusive bremse og skruer. Brugen af genanvendte eller biobaserede materialer i konstruktionen af alle plastdele afspejler vores engagement i bæredygtighed.
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The Almonte 12 PT is a high-perfomance touring binding, to take your backcountry adventures to the next level. Robust design and exceptional functionality, the binding of choice for touring skiers who accept no compromises. With the Almonte 12 PT you can expect the same lightweight as its counterpart, weighing only 325 g each, including brake and screws.
The use of recycled or bio-based materials in the construction of all plastic parts reflects our commitment to sustainability.
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