Specielt designet til at præstere med vores prisbelønnede Ripstick-ski, og disse skind tilbyder det bedste greb, glid og tilbehør til glatte stigninger og overgange.
En universel, let spidskrog til hurtig, nem og sikker montering af skind på Elan Ripstick Tour. Den kompakte HYBRID Skin-teknologi fra spids til hale for at forhindre sne i at trænge ind mellem huden og bunden af skien.
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Specially designed to perform with our award winning Ripstick skis, these skins offer the best grip, glide, and attachments for smooth ascents and transitions.
A universal, lightweight tip hook for quick, easy and secure fitting of skins to the Elan Ripstick Tour. The compact HYBRID Skin technology from the tip to tail to prevent snow from getting in-between the skin and the base of the ski..
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