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Falke 4Grip Stabilizing
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Falke 4Grip Stabilizing

300 kr
300 kr

* Påkrævede felter

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Falke siger om 4Grip Stabilizing

Takket være deres silikone nubbing teknologi, disse 4GRIP sport sokker giver maksimalt greb og maksimal hastighed. Ideel til sport med hurtige retningsændringer. Desuden giver en kompressionszone ekstra ankelstøtte, hvilket reducerer risikoen for forstuvninger. Den hurtige fugttransporterende og optimerede form garanterer overlegen komfort og et vellykket, stressfrit spil.

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Thanks to their silicone nubbing technology, these 4GRIP sports socks provide maximum grip and maximum speed. Ideal for sports with rapid changes of direction. In addition, a compression zone provides added ankle support, thus reducing the risk of sprains. The rapid moisture wicking and optimised shape guarantees superior comfort and successful, stress-free play..

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Produkt Specifikationer
Materiale70% polyamid, 30% syntetisk
BrugCompressie og grip for alle sporten

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