Luftindkapslingen er meget hurtig at opstille, oppustning opnås på ingen tid takket være den medfølgende håndpumpe, du skal blot pege de fire hjørner og puste op fra de to oppustningspunkter på ydersiden af indkapslingen. På undersiden af læskuret sikrer spændestropper en firkantet form, mens holdbare guyliner og medfølgende pinde holder læskuret stabilt. Fire sidepaneler er inkluderet som standard for privatliv og ekstra vejrbeskyttelse.
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The AIR shelter is very quick to pitch, inflation is achieved in no time at all thanks to the supplied hand pump, simply peg the four corners and inflate from the two inflation points on the outside of the shelter. On the underside of the shelter, tensioning straps ensure a square shape is maintained whilst durable guylines and supplied pegs keep the shelter stable.
Four side panels are included as standard for privacy and extra weather protection.
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