DELAGO GTX LO Ws er en let, funktionel og frem for alt opløselig low-cut sko, der gør en klar erklæring under bjergudflugter om præcis, hvem der bærer fodtøjet. Skoen har fået en del tilhængere blandt bjergbestigningsentusiaster. Dens funktioner viser hvorfor: et sporty tilgangsdesign, en gummihætte i tåområdet, bevægelige snørestropper, der letter den individuelle, situationsdefinerede justering af skoens pasform og en kombination af Vibram® ydersål og en mellemsål lavet af LOWA DynaPU®+.
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The DELAGO GTX LO Ws is a lightweight, functional and, above all, resolable low-cut shoe that makes a clear statement during mountain excursions about exactly who is wearing the footwear. The shoe has gained quite a following among mountaineering enthusiasts. Its features show why: a sporty approach design, a rubber cap in the toe area, movable lacing loops that facilitate the individual, situation-defined adjustment of the shoe’s fit and a combination of Vibram® outsole and a midsole made of LOWA DynaPU®+..
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