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Nikwax Twinpak Twin Tech Wash/TX Direct Wash

Nikwax Twinpak Twin Tech Wash/TX Direct Wash

145 kr
145 kr

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Bestil inden 15:00, afsendt i dag


All you need to safely clean and add water repellency to wet weather clothing without wicking liners. Clean and waterproof your wet weather clothing with our convenient Duo-Pack.

Tech Wash is a soap-based cleaner which can be used regularly to clean clothing and equipment without damaging the Durable Water Repellent (DWR) coatings. Use this product instead of conventional detergents or washing powder.

TX.Direct adds water-repellency and revives breathability to fabrics without wicking liners. Prolongs the effective lifespan and optimizes the performance of your wet-weather clothing

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Nikwax siger om Twinpak Twin Tech Wash/TX Direct Wash

Teknisk vask: Til rengøring af udendørsudstyr. Teknisk rengøringsmiddel til udendørstøj og syntetiske soveposer. Renser effektivt, genopretter vandafvisende og genopliver åndbarheden.

TX Direct Wash-In: Til vandtætning af regntøj. Let at bruge, vaskbar imprægnering til alt åndbart vandtæt tøj og udstyr. Tilføjer vandafvisende egenskaber og genopliver åndbarheden uden tørretumbling. Forbedrer ydeevnen af dit udstyr og holder dig varmere og tørrere. Anbefales til Gore-Tex®, Sympatex®, eVent®, Nikwax Analogy® og alle andre vandtætte stoffer.

Denne tekst oversættes automatisk

Tech Wash: For cleaning outdoor gear. Technical cleaner for outdoor clothing and synthetic sleeping bags. Cleans effectively, restores water repellency and revives breathability. TX Direct Wash-In: For waterproofing rain gear. Easy to use wash-in waterproofing for all breathable waterproof clothing and gear.

Adds water repellency and revives breathability without tumble drying. Enhances the performance of your gear, keeping you warmer and drier. Recommended for Gore-Tex®, Sympatex®, eVent®, Nikwax Analogy® and all other waterproof fabrics.

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Produkt Specifikationer
MaterialeWaterafstonde tekstil
FungereWasmiddel og impregneermiddel
5020716010303 - Nikwax Twinpak Twin Tech Wash/TX Direct Wash