•Brug Gear Lines i garagen, på båden, i hjemmet, camping og i utallige andre steder, hvor tingene skal sikres og organiseres.
•Fås i to længder: 2' (Systemet indeholder 3 x #2 og 3 x #4 Plastic S-Biners) og 4' (Systemet indeholder 5 x #2 og 5 x #4 Plastic S-Biners
•Farverige Translucent S-Biner Double Gated Carabiner klips nemt sikre en række elementer for sikker fastgørelse og nem frigivelse
•Funktioner høj kvalitet, holdbar bånd •Funktioner Gear Tie Technology - 2 x 12" Gear Ties, en i hver ende, for alsidige vedhæftningsmuligheder
•Produktvægt: 2" 80 g •Produktvægt: 4 "128 g
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•Use Gear Lines in the garage, on the boat, in the home, camping and in countless other places where things need to be secured and organized.
•Available in two lengths: 2' (System contains 3 x #2 and 3 x #4 Plastic S-Biners) and 4' (System contains 5 x #2 and 5 x #4 Plastic S-Biners)
•Colorful Translucent S-Biner Double Gated Carabiner clips easily secure a variety of items for secure attachment and easy release
•Features high quality, durable webbing •Features Gear Tie Technology - 2 x 12" Gear Ties, one on each end, for versatile attachment options
•Product weight: 2" 80 g •Product weight: 4" 128 g
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