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Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor

Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor

1.049 kr

1.099 kr

Special Price 1.049 kr

* Påkrævede felter

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Viking siger om Sparrow Incl. Visor

Det bedste valg i skøjtehjelme i dette øjeblik!
Allerede set med flere internationale

- Den letteste og mest aerodynamiske hjelm på markedet
- Seks nye diskrete farver
- Inc. aftageligt gennemsigtigt visir
- 3 forskellige visir fås separat
- Størrelserne kan justeres ved hjælp af drejeknap
- Sikker rund
ryg - Størrelse S/M (55-58 cm.)
- Størrelse L (58-61 cm.)

- Certificeret efter DEN NYESTE ASTM*-STANDARD
- Testet i overensstemmelse med ISU-forskrifter
- Anvendelse i henhold til ISU's regler for anvendelse i konkurrencen

Denne tekst oversættes automatisk

The best choice in skating helmets this moment! Already seen with several international TEAM PURSUIT teams! - Lightest and most aerodynamic helmet on the market - Six new subtle colors - Inc. removable transparant visor - 3 different visors available separately - Sizes are adjustable by means of rotary knob - Safe round back - Size S / M (55-58 cm.) - Size L (58-61 cm.) - Certified according to the NEWEST ASTM * standard - Tested in accordance with ISU regulations - Application in acc.

to ISU regulations for competition use

Denne tekst oversættes automatisk
1000000403152 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Blue-Silver Stripes S-M (55-58 cm) 1000000425727 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Gold-Red Stripes S-M (55-58 cm) 1000000425734 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Gold-Red Stripes L (58-61 cm) 1000000425741 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Gold Stripes S-M (55-58 cm) 1000000425758 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Gold Stripes L (58-61 cm) 8718969899239 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Pink S-M (55-58 cm) 8718969899222 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Pink L (58-61 cm) 1000000403169 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor White-Gold S-M (55-58 cm) 1000000402179 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Silver Stripes S-M (55-58 cm) 1000000402193 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Black-Silver Stripes L (58-61 cm) 1000000403176 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor Blue-Silver Stripes L (58-61 cm) 1000000403183 - Viking Sparrow Incl. Visor White-Gold L (58-61 cm)